Hey Y'all!
I hope you've had a great weekend. For those of you who have to go to work in the morning, I'll think about you when I roll over and hit snooze.....oops never mind...I won't be setting the old alarm clock tonight! I'm off for the next two weeks.
We've sure had a wild weekend here at The Doublewide. First of all, we had a little ice, sleet, and snow Friday morning after we got to school. It got pretty bad, pretty quick, so they dismissed at noon. I was so excited to be starting our Christmas Break early! After leaving school, I went and picked up Robbie at daycare, stopped in the grocery store for bread and milk (ha ha) and then we came home. I THOUGHT we were in for the night, but it wasn't to be.
Robbie had a cough Thursday evening and Friday morning. It wasn't terrible, but it was noticeable. By Friday night at 10:00 he had a 103.9 fever and was shaking with chills. Me and Big Daddy roughed the ice and slick roads and headed to the ER. We're not ones to run to the hospital at the first sign of a fever, but he couldn't breathe well and he said his chest and eyes were hurting. When we checked in, his temp was 102.6 but his pulse rate was 179...I almost cried because whatever it was that was wrong with him literally came on all of a sudden.
They did a chest x-ray and a strep test, both of which showed no signs of pneumonia or strep but they couldn't get his fever down. At one point it actually went up to 102.9....finally they got it to 100.9 and we were able to come home--at 2:00 AM. Dr. said all he could figure was that it was some kind of virus and it would have to run its course.
We laid around here all day yesterday but invited my parents and my sister, Doodah and Chad her hubby, for supper. I fixed ham, potato salad, green beans, leftover speckled beans, and toast. It was really good to have them here!
This morning, I had to get ready for church all by myself. His fever still isn't down to normal. We're doing 3 breathing treatments a day and giving Tylenol and Motrin like we're supposed to.
Our choir's Christmas Cantata was wonderful this morning. We also had almost 50 poinsettias in the church that were placed in memory or in honor of someone. That's always a special time where we remember those celebrating Christmas in Heaven.
So....after we finished, I didn't stay to eat. We always have a big covered dish lunch after church on the Sunday before Christmas, but my heart was here, at The Doublewide with my two main men.
Please say a little prayer for Robbie that he gets to feeling better and that God will use His great and mighty hand and heal our little boy from whatever that virus is.
I hope y'all have a great day tomorrow!
I'll be back to post some Doublewide Christmas Pictures! WOOHOO---Oh, simmer down...I know you can hardly wait, right?!
Puffy Painted rocks
1 day ago
Bless Robbie's little heart. Hope that he's feeling all better by now. I'm going to be hitting the snooze button in the morning myself. Can't wait!
Oh my goodness, I hate he's so sick. That was a high fever and I would have visited the ER also.
My prayers are with him and hope he's better soon. Keep us updated.
Oh ya, BITE ME, I have to work!
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