Hey Y'all!
This week has been so busy that I haven't been able to post anything!
Here's a fast recap of things happening here at The Doublewide:
#1. My jewelry party was so much F-U-N! The sales were right at $475.00! So my profit was $237.50! Not too bad for about 3 hours, wouldn't you say?!
#2. Big Daddy's little brother was up from Florida until Wednesday. We went out to eat and had lots of fun visiting with him and getting to know his girlfriend better.
Here's a fast recap of things happening here at The Doublewide:
#1. My jewelry party was so much F-U-N! The sales were right at $475.00! So my profit was $237.50! Not too bad for about 3 hours, wouldn't you say?!
#2. Big Daddy's little brother was up from Florida until Wednesday. We went out to eat and had lots of fun visiting with him and getting to know his girlfriend better.
#3. Mammaw's doctor appointments this week went great! Her blood pressure is great and her bedsore wound is healing beautifully.
#4. I have discovered the art of making crepe paper bookmarks! Oooh it's so much fun and I'll be sure to post some pictures soon!
#5. I finished NEW MOON (#2 in the Twilight series), and am already enjoying using my homemade bookmarks to mark my place in ECLIPSE (#3)
#4. I have discovered the art of making crepe paper bookmarks! Oooh it's so much fun and I'll be sure to post some pictures soon!
#5. I finished NEW MOON (#2 in the Twilight series), and am already enjoying using my homemade bookmarks to mark my place in ECLIPSE (#3)
#6. Robbie has had an awful cough this week. Big Daddy took him to the doctor's office yesterday and he's ok. She did put him on a Z-Pack antibiotic and he's back to breathing treatments 3 times a day. UGH! The treatments are great for him, but they make him HYPER!
#7. I got treated to a day off work two times this week. Monday I took mammaw to the doctor and today I took Robbie to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. His tonsils are HUGE and they will be coming out sooner than later! Hopefully the third week of June we'll be going through this lovely ordeal. I know they have to come out so I'm hoping we can just go ahead and get it over with and be DONE so that he can enjoy the rest of the summer.
#7. I got treated to a day off work two times this week. Monday I took mammaw to the doctor and today I took Robbie to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. His tonsils are HUGE and they will be coming out sooner than later! Hopefully the third week of June we'll be going through this lovely ordeal. I know they have to come out so I'm hoping we can just go ahead and get it over with and be DONE so that he can enjoy the rest of the summer.
#8. Last week, a lady I work with G-A-V-E us a bedroom suit for Robbie! It's a twin bed, a nightstand, a huge dresser, and a chest of drawers. All we need is a matress and box springs and we'll be good to go! Ooohhh I can't thank her enough! It's old and the drawers have that dovetailed joining thing going on. It's so nice and I'm so excited to get it!
#9. We have 11 days of school left! I can't wait and I'm soooo eager to finish out this school year!
#10. Have you seen the commercials for CiCi's Pizza where they've thrown out pennies near their locations? Well guess what? I FOUND ONE!!! I can't wait to take it to the restaurant to see what I've won! Cross your fingers that it's not just a free buffett. I mean...if you're handing out $3.99, I'll take it, but let's face it: I want some MONEY!
#11. Robbie and I spent Wednesday evening picking weeds out of the garden. I don't think our green beans are going to make it. Too many deer like the taste of those tender plants I think! Our cucumbers, squash, beets, and zuchinni are lookin' really good though! Oh summer...where are you?!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
My little sister, Doodah and I have been asked to sing at church Sunday morning. We have no clue what to sing either for such a special weekend!
Be blessed!
#9. We have 11 days of school left! I can't wait and I'm soooo eager to finish out this school year!
#10. Have you seen the commercials for CiCi's Pizza where they've thrown out pennies near their locations? Well guess what? I FOUND ONE!!! I can't wait to take it to the restaurant to see what I've won! Cross your fingers that it's not just a free buffett. I mean...if you're handing out $3.99, I'll take it, but let's face it: I want some MONEY!
#11. Robbie and I spent Wednesday evening picking weeds out of the garden. I don't think our green beans are going to make it. Too many deer like the taste of those tender plants I think! Our cucumbers, squash, beets, and zuchinni are lookin' really good though! Oh summer...where are you?!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
My little sister, Doodah and I have been asked to sing at church Sunday morning. We have no clue what to sing either for such a special weekend!
Be blessed!

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