Robbie went to spend the night with Pop Pop and MiMi Friday night. They wanted him to come spend some time with them and he couldn't get out of the house fast enough---Little Booger!
Anyway....we went to my sister's mother in law's house Friday night for supper and card games. We had a GREAT time and had lots of fun too! Afterwards, I stayed up until 2:30 AM! WHAT?!
I got on the internet and sat here reading lots of blogs and playing games at and time got away from me. Then--I needed to get to bed so I could read "Eclipse". That's the 3rd book in the Twilight series. If you haven't been reading these books, I highly recommend them, but I'm gonna warn you---they're addictive.
Saturday morning Big Daddy made me get up so that we could go to some yard sales. We found a mattress and box springs for Robbie's "new to us" bedroom suit for TWENTY bucks! YAY!
I also found some big piece puzzles, some clothes, and some cute little metal buckets for my flowers on the front porch! When I go to yard sales, I'm always looking for doilies! I only found one but it was only 25 cents so I'm happy!
After that we went to Lowe's and bought some utility knives and a pack of 50 blades that are serrated on the edges. When they build a doublewide, they put all of the flooring and carpets down first---then they build the walls! So.....we are having to CUT, RIP, PULL, and YANK carpet from the perimeter of EVERY room that we're putting our new flooring down in! It's gonna be back-breaking, but I'm sure it will be worth it soon!
Then we went to Wal-Mart and bought a gallon of blue paint to do Robbie's room. Think it got done yesterday? NOPE! It's still sitting in the laundry room. My nap won out over painting!
Now, I'm enjoying my coffee and am going to run across the road and check on mammaw. I have to get ready for church and Pop Pop is on his way with my little man--and I'm one happy mama right about now!
Have a great day today and be blessed!