Well...today was Vacation Bible School Day at our church. We were supposed to have it last night also, but due to the death of one of our members and the funeral, we cancelled last night and had today only. It was supposed to last from 9 to 3.
When they announced that VBS was coming and asked for teachers I jumped at the chance to teach Lil' R's class. CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT I WAS THINKING? I had to entertain 4 two year olds for 3 hours--FOR REAL??!!
Anyway---turns out it wasn't THAT bad. I had 3 other "helpers" so things went well. He did NOT want to get out of the bed and go this morning. It was a major fiasco just waking him up, getting his bath, and getting him out the door. Once we got there, he would NOT let go of me, he cried loudly when we said the pledge to the flags and Bible, he kept saying, "HOLD ME, HOLD ME," all day, and he didn't want to color our little fish. It was fun though. I did learn a major lesson. I will help in VBS, I just won't help in his class. He is so clingy, which I adore, but he does much better when he's not up my rear-end! hahaha
We left at 12:00, because honestly-I was pooped. They had hot dogs for lunch and were having games from 1 to 3. I couldn't take one more minute of it, so we came on home. As soon as I got in the door, I called Big R to tell him that we were home. I didn't even get off the phone good and I heard a knock on my door.
It was my precious daddy with two 5 gallon buckets of fresh green beans he'd just picked from his garden. He also had a big bucket of corn. When Big R got home, him and daddy shucked the corn while I got Lil R down for his nap and lit in on the beans.
Now I'm done--ended up this time canning 27 quarts of green beans (which totals 97 thus far) and I put up 33 ears of corn in the freezer!
I'll put a VBS picture of Lil R here another time. I'm honestly too tired to go to the car and get my camera.
Have a great rest of the weekend!
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