Hey Y'all! I hope things are well your way today. We're still snowed/iced in. I think we're getting a touch of cabin fever.
Here's my updates since we last spoke:
*Daddy came home from the hospital Tuesday night. He is on eight different medicines, but I think they're keeping his blood pressure down and out of the danger zone. Thanks for praying for him and for us.
*Coughed and sneezed my head off all day Wednesday at school. Called in a substitute teacher for Thursday. Ended up staying out of school Friday too. I had a fever of 100.9 which is SUPER high for me as I usually run a low body temp.
*Had to pick up Robbie from daycare on Friday afternoon because Big Daddy works for the NC Dept. of Transportation and they had to work over getting roads salted. Me and Robbie went to the library and the grocery store on the way home. Spent way too much money at the grocery store anticipating getting snowed in.
*Carried in a little firewood for the fireplace just in case we lost power. Power has stayed on the whole time, but my big toe hurts as I have stumped it on the wood twice!
*Made homemade playdough with Robbie and loved it!
*Made homemade dishwasher detergent and homemade laundry detergent. Loved it and plan on using it more. Links will come later for the recipes.
*Working on catching up the laundry now that I have all of that soap! ha ha
*Played lots of games with Robbie indoors. I can't take him outside to play in the snow because he's snotty as am I.
*Made and ate LOTS of snow cream!
*Worried about my mama as she works 3rd shift at Wal-Mart in the deli. She got snowed in and had to sleep in her car and in the breakroom. She's home safe now but is slap worn out.
*Laughed my head off at Robbie last night as he came in here naked as a jaybird wearing only a cowboy hat, announcing that he was playing dress-up.
*Got woke up at 5:30 this morning ...Big Daddy called and said that he hit an ice spot in the road, spun around 180 degrees, and landed in a ditch. A man who lived nearby was kind enough to pull his truck out with his tractor. Thank God there are still a few nice guys left!
*Played on Facebook until I could puke.
*Cooked a LOT and have eaten lots!
*Plan on doing some crochet today!
*Realized my camera card reader is in my purse in the van, but promising to show pictures as soon as I can get down my icy back steps!
What's going on in your neck of the woods today? You snowed in?
Reusable Paper Towels Sewing Pattern
1 hour ago
Isn't it amazing what you can get done when you're forced to stay in!? We had that kind of day yesterday and it was pure bliss!
I'm glad your dad is doing better!
glad i'm not the only one who cooks the whole time we are in the house!!!
our little taste of snow is almost gone and I'm not ready to go back to school tomorrow! want to hear about the homemade soap
We've been snowed in the last couple of days and I've loved every minute of it! We're out of school today and they're calling for possible freezing rain tonight! For once my house just might be clean and organized all at the same time! Yea!!!
Enjoy the snow and stay warm :)
Gracious...I'm tired just reading all of that. Glad that your daddy is home...I know he's probably still feeling bad but being at home instead of the hospital helps a lot, I'm sure. Thank goodness Big Daddy is OK...and your mama...snowed in at Walmart. At least they were safe and warm and there was SURELY plenty of food but I'm thinking she was REALLY glad to be home too. No snow here...I want snow!
Hey Michelle,
I stop by your blog every now and then and love to read along. I see that you also got the ice and snow thing going on. We do too here in Oklahoma. Be careful and stay warm.
Hugs from oklahoma
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