Hey Y'all!
My daddy picked two gallons of grapes from the grapevine at the house where I grew up and brought them to The Doublewide.
I stewed them and got them ready to make jelly finally tonight.
I ended up canning 12 half pint jars and still had jelly so I used a pint jar and two more quarts. I sure hope they do well because I've been working on this blamed jelly all weekend, off and on.
I've got a lot going on right now in my life and I ask for your prayers.
Mammaw has a really bad sore on her leg. It's so early in the school year that I can't get off from work so my sister and my daddy will be taking her to the doctor Wednesday afternoon.
I think it's infected, so pray that MRSA hasn't shown up again. That was horrible last time when she got MRSA in the hospital from the bedsore she had.
Big Daddy's daddy and step mom have invited us to go to the beach with them this weekend. I would LOVE to go, but I'm still not sure yet. I hate to leave all of the responsibility on my sister to take care of my mammaw while we're gone, and I'll have to find a substitute piano player for Sunday.
I'm trying to talk mammaw into coming to live with us. She feels that she would be a burden on us but seriously I feel that it would make it easier. It's so hard to know that she's there all alone in her house just sitting in front of the TV. At least she would be surrounded by us and we have friends and family that come in and out of here a lot. I really would appreciate your prayers here because I know it's a big undertaking to move her in over here, but she's not going to be able to live alone much longer.
Also, school is going well. I enjoy it but everyday I miss my youngin' more and more. Have I told you how bad I wish we were filthy rich so that I didn't have to work? I love spending time with Robbie and hate dropping him off at daycare everyday to go to my job.
I hope y'all have a wonderful week.
We had revival two weeks ago at church and it was awesome. 20 people were saved during that revival! Isn't it amazing how God still moves?!
Be blessed!
I'm headed to bed and hope I can sleep instead of listening for the lids on the jelly jars to seal!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hey Y'all!
Just wanted to let you know that school is back in session. This is Day 3 of me being here with the students. I have enjoyed getting back into my everyday routine. I have enjoyed seeing my baby's face light up as he walks into his daycare classroom every morning. But that's about it.......
I have not enjoyed getting up early but still getting in the bed late.
I have not enjoyed missing my baby during the day and wishing I could squish his cute cheeks and love on him.
Just wanted to let you know that school is back in session. This is Day 3 of me being here with the students. I have enjoyed getting back into my everyday routine. I have enjoyed seeing my baby's face light up as he walks into his daycare classroom every morning. But that's about it.......
I have not enjoyed getting up early but still getting in the bed late.
I have not enjoyed missing my baby during the day and wishing I could squish his cute cheeks and love on him.
I have not enjoyed having to wear real clothes all day. I believe it is a SIN for women to have on anything but a housedress until late afternoon. It should be totally acceptable to go to work and about our daily lives in ONLY a housedress that's full of holes and covered with stains. You with me?
I have not enjoyed the check writing process that occurred Monday to Robbie's daycare.
I am thankful that I do have a job. Don't get me wrong. Some folks are having it rough. I only wish that we were rich enough that I didn't have to work and could stay at home by choice, to be with my little man!
Oh well----maybe someday, right?!
I am thankful that I do have a job. Don't get me wrong. Some folks are having it rough. I only wish that we were rich enough that I didn't have to work and could stay at home by choice, to be with my little man!
Oh well----maybe someday, right?!
I was going to blog about our trip last week to Chuck E. Cheese with my mama and Robbie, but I don't have the capabilities right now to upload photos so that will have to be tomorrow!
Have a great day today!
Have a great day today!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Yay for the WEEKEND!
It's my favorite time of the week lately....Saturday morning. I just felt guilty typing that because I know Sundays are my favorite day of the week, but there's just something about a Saturday morning. Ahhh...the endless possibilities of what to do for the day.
I so cannot wait for the crisp and cool days of Autumn to get here. Before we adopted Robbie, Big Daddy and I would get in the car and head up Interstate 40. We would literally flip a coin to decide whether we'd go east or west and then we'd just ride. If we saw a brown sign to notate that a historical site was off of that exit, we'd decide to check it out. During those rides, we'd find old grist mills, old battle sites, homes of famous historical people, etc. Most of those types of places offer free or really cheap admission costs and are well worth the trips.
We didn't take an official family vacation this summer. We usually take our income tax refund and make that our vacation money, but this year we spent it on fake hardwoods that are STILL sitting in boxes in our formal (yea right) living room. So, this fall we'll be making those trips again with Robbie! I am excited about them and look forward to it!
Next weekend I'll be heading to Southern Pines for our Regional Meeting with the jewelry company that I am a part of. I will get to meet other people who work for the company too and the owners will be there as well! I'm excited about it but ain't looking forward to being away from my boys for one night.
Anyway...I started back to work this week. The kids will start Tuesday. I'm happy to be going back, but not excited about it. Know what I mean? Robbie also goes back to daycare Monday too. He loves it, but I always don't like having to take him back because that seems like we bid the summer vacation a farewell.
Please say a prayer for my Mammaw Frances. Her legs have always been bad about swelling. They'll stay swollen for 5 or 6 days and then go down, and when they do go down in size, there will be small spots or blisters. She has a place on the inside of her right leg that looks like it's trying to become infected. We're cleaning it, putting Neosporin on it, and keeing it wrapped up, but it still looks really bad. I will be getting her an appointment to be seen ASAP but I ask for your prayers. Y'all know my Mammaw is very dear to me and I hope God will heal her again.
Have a great weekend!
I so cannot wait for the crisp and cool days of Autumn to get here. Before we adopted Robbie, Big Daddy and I would get in the car and head up Interstate 40. We would literally flip a coin to decide whether we'd go east or west and then we'd just ride. If we saw a brown sign to notate that a historical site was off of that exit, we'd decide to check it out. During those rides, we'd find old grist mills, old battle sites, homes of famous historical people, etc. Most of those types of places offer free or really cheap admission costs and are well worth the trips.
We didn't take an official family vacation this summer. We usually take our income tax refund and make that our vacation money, but this year we spent it on fake hardwoods that are STILL sitting in boxes in our formal (yea right) living room. So, this fall we'll be making those trips again with Robbie! I am excited about them and look forward to it!
Next weekend I'll be heading to Southern Pines for our Regional Meeting with the jewelry company that I am a part of. I will get to meet other people who work for the company too and the owners will be there as well! I'm excited about it but ain't looking forward to being away from my boys for one night.
Anyway...I started back to work this week. The kids will start Tuesday. I'm happy to be going back, but not excited about it. Know what I mean? Robbie also goes back to daycare Monday too. He loves it, but I always don't like having to take him back because that seems like we bid the summer vacation a farewell.
Please say a prayer for my Mammaw Frances. Her legs have always been bad about swelling. They'll stay swollen for 5 or 6 days and then go down, and when they do go down in size, there will be small spots or blisters. She has a place on the inside of her right leg that looks like it's trying to become infected. We're cleaning it, putting Neosporin on it, and keeing it wrapped up, but it still looks really bad. I will be getting her an appointment to be seen ASAP but I ask for your prayers. Y'all know my Mammaw is very dear to me and I hope God will heal her again.
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sweet Sweet Saturday

Not a lot going on at The Doublewide today--not unless you count cleaning, doing laundry, crocheting, and playing as "a lot."

Big Daddy left me and Robbie in the bed this morning and headed off to the flea-market that's nearby. He only bought some razor blade refills then headed to get his hair cut.
He brought home some lunch for us and took Robbie outside to play on his swing set and when they came in, Robbie's hair was soaked with sweat!
My summer vacation is almost over! This Monday, I take Robbie back to daycare full time and then I start back on Wednesday. I'm not happy about having to go back, but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.
As I child I would love to take all my new school supplies out, lie them on my bed, and look at and smell everything. I love the smell of new pencils and a new box of crayons and it gets me excited about the new possibilites.
I ask that you pray for the teachers and students for this upcoming school year. Every year I try to sit in each chair in my classroom and say a prayer for each and every student that will sit in that chair during the year. If you're a teacher too, I encourage you to do this. We never know what kind of homes a lot of our students come from and prayer NEVER hurts anything.
Y'all have a wonderful day today and I'll close with the beautiful view of my backyard clothesline as I look out the back window!
He brought home some lunch for us and took Robbie outside to play on his swing set and when they came in, Robbie's hair was soaked with sweat!
My summer vacation is almost over! This Monday, I take Robbie back to daycare full time and then I start back on Wednesday. I'm not happy about having to go back, but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.
As I child I would love to take all my new school supplies out, lie them on my bed, and look at and smell everything. I love the smell of new pencils and a new box of crayons and it gets me excited about the new possibilites.
I ask that you pray for the teachers and students for this upcoming school year. Every year I try to sit in each chair in my classroom and say a prayer for each and every student that will sit in that chair during the year. If you're a teacher too, I encourage you to do this. We never know what kind of homes a lot of our students come from and prayer NEVER hurts anything.
Y'all have a wonderful day today and I'll close with the beautiful view of my backyard clothesline as I look out the back window!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Are You READY?
Hey Y'all!
Are you ready for AUTUMN yet? If not, let me help you get in the mood because I can't stand this heat much longer! Bring on the FALL SEASON!

The last few pictures are of my mantle here at The Doublewide. I've already decorated it because I can't wait for the chilly evenings of Autumn. 

Are you ready for AUTUMN yet? If not, let me help you get in the mood because I can't stand this heat much longer! Bring on the FALL SEASON!

The next few pictures are of my hometown's little CountryFest which is always the first Saturday in October. I always have a booth and enjoy seeing everybody!

Maybe this will be enough to get you by until Tuesday, September 22nd, when it's officially the first day of Autumn. Until then...let the dreamin' and the pumpkin scented anything, begin!
What's your favorite thing about Autumn?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Things I Think are AWESOME!

I have decided to post about some things I've found on Etsy recently that are great ideas, practical, or just plain cute!
I hope you enjoy my little window-blog-shopping experience today.
Click on these people's shops in case you're wanting to get anything pictured. Nobody has paid me and these people haven't asked that they be featured today. These are just things I want you to see.
Christmas will be here beforetoo long and you might see something that you just can't live without!
First I found the CUTEST apron! I love me some polka dots and I love aprons too! This one is just darling!

Now, I've seen items from The Brick Kiln sellers for awhile on Etsy because they're so unique and I love checking out their work. They are a mother and daughter team from Georgia and they're so creative! Since I'm a teacher, this HAS to be my favorite thing in their Etsy shop right now. There are so many things to choose from so click HERE and go buy LOTS!
And this little dish! It's beautiful!
And I may have to get Robbie one of these for Christmas this year, in the "boy" model, of course!

Hope you enjoyed our little shopping trip! We'll have to do it again soon!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eat, sing, swim, praise--all in about two days' work.

Where did I leave off last time?
Oh...yes...our busy day last Friday.
Saturday was filled with lots of fun! I had to write out the bills for the month....UGH! Big Daddy went and picked Robbie up from Nanny's that afternoon and then we headed to Shogun with my best friend Sharon and her daughter Ally. We had a great time and Robbie loves seeing the fire on that Hibachi grill! Besides the fried rice, I guess that's his favorite part about going to a sit down Japanese restaurant and having them cook for you. My mouth just watered as I was typing that last sentence. Oh how I love me some Japanese Hibachi Steak with mushrooms! Wooo-doggie!
Sunday is God's day and our day of rest. We had regular church Sunday morning and then we ended up going to Tommy's BBQ on Hwy. 321 in Dallas. I just googled for a picture, but there wasn't one. If you're from around these parts, you know exactly where I'm talking about.
Sunday night was our Vacation Bible School Commencement program at church. When Robbie's class got up to sing/dance their two songs, he pitched a fit and wanted "DOWN!" I had to hold him in my lap while I sat in the floor and sang with the kids. I don't understand why that happened because I don't mind getting up in front of a crowd. Maybe he's like his Big Daddy when it comes to crowds. I hope not though!
Here are a few pictures of the service:

Sunday night after church I went to Mammaw's and cleaned her house and gave her a bath. This was NOT fun because she didn't want to get out of her chair, but it had to be done. Thank God that my friend Julie is back to work at Mammaw's this week. She had surgery and got the OK from the dr. to return to her babysitting job. It has really helped me out so far this week because I've had teacher workshops the past two days. Because of that, Robbie had to go to daycare yesterday. He's been home with me all summer and I didn't know how he would do when I dropped him off. That little booger was so happy to be there and I almost had to MAKE him give me some sugar before I left.
While I was at a luncheon yesterday that was sponsored by our local newspaper, The Gaston Gazette, I met up with an old friend of mine. Brian Jackson was our entertainment during the luncheon! He was my junior prom date. haha Neither one of us had a date and we were good friends, so we went. I am NOT EVEN going to dig out THAT picture, because my cousin did my hair and I think it was her secret mission to make me look like Martha Washington with black hair--and that's all I'm going to say about that--except for the fact that I've never really forgiven her either. ok...done! hahah
Anyway, Brian did a great job! He has a website and everything! Check out his music by clicking here. You can even go to itunes and download his music...seriously, he's good.
Here's a bad picture, because he was so far away, of Brian singing yesterday:
Last night we went swimming at our friend Jan's house. She's my sister's mother-in-law and we
always enjoy swimming at her house!
Here's two pictures from last night:
#1. Robbie sporting his flipper feet while my best friend's husband, Steve, helped him out of the water!
#2. Robbie and my sister, Doodah. I just LOVE this picture!
Today is my mama's 57th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!
We're going out tonight for supper to celebrate. By belly is happy about that!
One last thing, I just found a great 300th post giveaway over at All Things Southern and Preppy! Go there NOW and enter, you'll be glad you did!
Have a great afternoon!

Here's a bad picture, because he was so far away, of Brian singing yesterday:

always enjoy swimming at her house!
Here's two pictures from last night:
#1. Robbie sporting his flipper feet while my best friend's husband, Steve, helped him out of the water!

We're going out tonight for supper to celebrate. By belly is happy about that!
One last thing, I just found a great 300th post giveaway over at All Things Southern and Preppy! Go there NOW and enter, you'll be glad you did!
Have a great afternoon!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fun Friday!
We had such a great day yesterday!
Robbie, mama and myself headed out around 9:00 to go on a day trip to the NC Mountains.
We had a full day planned and had so much fun!
After filling up the gas tank and heading up Interstate 40, we pulled off of an exit to get a Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit.
Those things are absoutely the best thing I've put in my mouth in a LONG time!
Then we headed on up to find the Elmore Pisgah Cotton Yarn Mill Outlet! I printed off directions from Mapquest and we missed a turn, had to turn around and go a completely different direction from what the map said, and finally made it!
Here's a couple of pictures of the town of Old Fort, North Carolina!
After spending $85.00 (shhhh...don't tell Big Daddy) on a HUGE box of yarn, we decided to drive around the town a little bit. We found a nice store that is full of crafts from local people. Here's my mama and Robbie outside the store:
At one of the booths, Robbie found a pair of antique leather gloves. He had so much fun putting them on. 

Here's all of my yarn I got! 
Then while still riding around the town, I saw a YARD SALE sign! I whipped it in and began to look. There was a nice older man there and I told him I was looking for "Old Grandmaw Clip-On Earrings." He went to the van and pulled out a box. I was squealing with delight inside as I began to mate up the pairs. Ended up getting all these for $10.00! WHAT A STEAL!
Finally Joann, my college roommate called and we headed on up to Black Mountain to meet her at McDonald's for lunch. We had a great time talking and catching up and she fell in love with Robbie too! He just kinda has that way about him! He played in the Playplace while we chatted. Mama took two pictures of us while we were there. The first picture is of us during our Sophomore year of college at Mars Hill College. This picture was taken on the steps of Fox Dormitory where we lived that year:
And here's the two mama took yesterday:

Joann--I had so much fun chatting with you and catching up! We MUST do it again this fall!
So, after that we loaded up the minivan and headed back home. We found a little yard sale on the way back and I bought these for Robbie for 75 cents each! I can't wait until Thanksgiving because the bottom sweater will get shown off! It's so cute!
When we got home around 5:00, I dropped mama off and we came home to The Doublewide. Robbie hung out here for awhile and then Big Daddy took him to spend the night with Nanny(Big Daddy's Mama). They're running some errands today and then she'll take him to Monkey Joe's to let him wear himself out before his nap.
I have GOT to get this place cleaned up a bit. My sink is full of dishes and the living room floor is STILL full of toys! Laundry's piling up too!
Oh, in case you're wondering what in the world I'm going to do with all of that yarn? I'm planning on making more of my famous cotton dishcloths and then I'm also making some Tawashi face cloths!
Here's what they look like:
Be Blessed!
Robbie, mama and myself headed out around 9:00 to go on a day trip to the NC Mountains.
We had a full day planned and had so much fun!
After filling up the gas tank and heading up Interstate 40, we pulled off of an exit to get a Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit.

Then we headed on up to find the Elmore Pisgah Cotton Yarn Mill Outlet! I printed off directions from Mapquest and we missed a turn, had to turn around and go a completely different direction from what the map said, and finally made it!
Here's a couple of pictures of the town of Old Fort, North Carolina!

So, after that we loaded up the minivan and headed back home. We found a little yard sale on the way back and I bought these for Robbie for 75 cents each! I can't wait until Thanksgiving because the bottom sweater will get shown off! It's so cute!

I have GOT to get this place cleaned up a bit. My sink is full of dishes and the living room floor is STILL full of toys! Laundry's piling up too!
Oh, in case you're wondering what in the world I'm going to do with all of that yarn? I'm planning on making more of my famous cotton dishcloths and then I'm also making some Tawashi face cloths!
Here's what they look like:

And...I'm not sure if you remember the old little black picture frame that I got out on the FREE table while at the beach with the girls a few weeks ago, but here's what I finally did with it:
Now I'm outta here! These beautiful friends of mine are calling my name:
Be Blessed!

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