Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yo-Yo's ROCK!

Oh Emm Gee! Can I tell you how much I LOVE and ADORE those cute little fabric yo-yo's?
Like where they took some of different sizes and joined them together to make a Christmas Tree ornament.
And I am in LOVE with that cute little Yo-Yo Scarf:
There's nothing like a Yo-Yo covered pillow either:
And this cute Yo-Yo Quilt sold on a website for $200.00!!
Why, they're even taking Yo-Yo's and making jewelry with them! Check out this gorgeous necklace:
And I can't get enough of these cute little puffy yo-yo's either:
And...isn't this just the cutest little Christmas Tree with Yo-Yo ornaments all dolled up for Valentine's Day?
Whew--I am LUSTING after this Yo-Yo Purse! Is it NOT just to DIE FOR?!

And check out the way somebody put yo-yo's around a lampshade!

I hope you've enjoyed our little Yo-Yo Photo-Tour today! I love these things and need to just sit and sew them along while I'm watching TV.
Have a Terrific Thursday!

1 comment:

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I love making yo yos...have been working on a quilt for a while now. I think I'll pull it out this weekend. I hadn't thought about the Christmas tree decorations. That is a GREAT idea.