Hey Y'all! I truly hope your Thanksgiving celebrations were memorable and were spent with the ones you love the most!
We had such a spread here at The Doublewide!
Here's what was on the menu:
Ham and Turkey (cooked by my wonderful, precious, loving and amazing brother-in-law!) haha
Green Beans
Green Bean Casserole (don't know why we had to have both?)
Three Bean Marinated Salad
Deviled Eggs
My mama's sweet potatoes (seriously--they will rock your socks OFF!)
Mashed potatoes
Tomato, cucumber and onions...all in one bowl and it's fabulous
My sister's cabbage casserole (this one is my FAVORITE--no kidding!)
My mama's homemade dressing (Me say YUMYUM EATUMUP!)
My Pumpkin Pound Cake
Banana Pudding
and Big Daddy's Sweet Tea!
I had written a LOT more, but accidentally hit the sleep button on my computer keyboard and nothing saved! UGH!
So...I'm not typing all of that again...my little creative burst has already bloomed and busted!
I will say that we all got good naps and then I had to go tonight to play piano at a wedding rehearsal. Tomorrow's the wedding! One of the girls I teach school with is marrying a sweet man! Our families have known each other for years!
I'm really missing my Pappaw Fred lately. I know it's the nostalgia of the holidays and he was such a big part of them during my life. He's been in Heaven for 13 years now, and the empty part of my life is longing for the day when I'll see him again. It's so hard, as I get older, because there are so many changes and they fester it seems during the times when we're all celebrating and they're not here anymore. I'm sure you can relate.
Anyway...be sure to check back tomorrow for a post about "Pappaw's Pokes". It will bless you and hopefully will inspire you to do something for folks around you!
Until next time, be blessed!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Christmas Ornament Frame Tutorial

I know I promised your tutorial around noon, but things were going on and I wasn't able to get to a computer.
So anyway...here we go!
You'll need a picture frame with a wide edge around the glass, a glue gun and glue sticks, and some miniature ornaments. I found these at Family Dollar and there were 10 in a pack for $1.00...You can go with all one color or two colors or more..

Once you've gathered everything together, begin placing hot glue on the ornaments and placing them around your picture frame....You know....just like this!

So anyway...here we go!
You'll need a picture frame with a wide edge around the glass, a glue gun and glue sticks, and some miniature ornaments. I found these at Family Dollar and there were 10 in a pack for $1.00...You can go with all one color or two colors or more..

And there you have it! It's that easy! I did another project just like this, but instead of using a picture frame, I used a giant mirror. The picture frame was $4.00, the ornaments for two different colors were $2.00. I already had the glue and glue sticks....
Now I need to find my gold wire-edged ribbon and make a FLASHY bow around the top corner!
Please feel free to copy me or to go out on a limb and piggyback off of my ideas. I'm sure that's probably what I did somewhere along the way!
I hope you have a wonderful afternoon!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Be here tomorrow....say around noon....I have a SUPER fun, easy, inexpensive craft idea and I'm going to be posting my very first tutorial on how to make it!
I promise you won't want to miss it!
I promise you won't want to miss it!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Picture Perfect Opportunity
Hey Y'all! Hope things are well with you, wherever you are.
Just wanted to share the pictures I took of Robbie yesterday afternoon here around The Doublewide! He is growing up so fast! We have a wall near the kitchen where I keep track of his growth by marking his height and then putting the date. He's grown 2 inches since October 17th! WOW! He's also gone from a 3T pants to a 4T! My wallet hates it but it makes my heart happy!
Enjoy the pictures!

Just wanted to share the pictures I took of Robbie yesterday afternoon here around The Doublewide! He is growing up so fast! We have a wall near the kitchen where I keep track of his growth by marking his height and then putting the date. He's grown 2 inches since October 17th! WOW! He's also gone from a 3T pants to a 4T! My wallet hates it but it makes my heart happy!
Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
So, What'd YOU Do Today?
Hey Y'all!
I had a wonderful day off today! It was cold and rainy and Big Daddy took Robbie to daycare first thing this morning. He loves going and since we paid for it anyway, he went. I gave him the choice last night and he chose school.
I had my daily 3 cups of coffee and then played on the computer most of the morning. I did get the laundry caught up and the house cleaned, minus the bedrooms--as usual!
We caught up on 3 episodes of Ghost Whisperer, 2 episodes of Little People, Big World, and last night's episode of The Biggest Loser. We had to wait to watch the last one until Robbie got home. I know he would have been super mad if we had watched it without him! While it was on and he was lying with me on the couch, he looked up at me with the sweetest smile and said, "Mama! I just LOVE this movie!" It's sooo cute and funny!
I wish I could say I was really very productive, but I wasn't. I saw on somebody's Facebook post that we only have 43 days until Christmas. I seriously am in major trouble! I haven't bought or ordered one single gift yet!
It's back to business tomorrow! I hope you have a great day!
Be Blessed!
I had a wonderful day off today! It was cold and rainy and Big Daddy took Robbie to daycare first thing this morning. He loves going and since we paid for it anyway, he went. I gave him the choice last night and he chose school.
I had my daily 3 cups of coffee and then played on the computer most of the morning. I did get the laundry caught up and the house cleaned, minus the bedrooms--as usual!
We caught up on 3 episodes of Ghost Whisperer, 2 episodes of Little People, Big World, and last night's episode of The Biggest Loser. We had to wait to watch the last one until Robbie got home. I know he would have been super mad if we had watched it without him! While it was on and he was lying with me on the couch, he looked up at me with the sweetest smile and said, "Mama! I just LOVE this movie!" It's sooo cute and funny!
I wish I could say I was really very productive, but I wasn't. I saw on somebody's Facebook post that we only have 43 days until Christmas. I seriously am in major trouble! I haven't bought or ordered one single gift yet!
It's back to business tomorrow! I hope you have a great day!
Be Blessed!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Finally...My Etsy has Arrived!

<~~~There it is...right over there. Or you can click here to get there!
Other than that, it's a typical Monday! I have already had one of my students come up to me today and say, "If you're looking at the birds and you drop forty turds, It's diarrhea (clap clap)...diarrhea (clap clap)!" Bah-ha-ha!
It was SOOO all I could do to keep from losing it! See....now that's why I do what I do?...There's always something crazy going on in a middle school!
Be blessed today!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Totally Random
Sometimes I've found that a "blog entry" doesn't have to be a story, even though I have a few for you that I'm saving up and tweaking in my head lately! This post will be full of randomness and funnies. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do sharing them with you. I also hope you can relate and find yourself chuckling as you read them.
So....here's a few random things for you!
1. As I sit here typing, Robbie is in his bedroom across the hall. He's flicking the light on and off and saying, "Yellow...Black....Yellow...Black!"
2. Instead of going out to eat today after church, I came home and cooked for real! We had cubed steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuits, and a jar of tomatoes that were canned. For dessert we had a wonderful pumpkin pound cake.
In case you're wanting this recipe, and who doesn't enjoy trying something different?, here you go:
Pumpkin Pound Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Mix 2 cups of sugar, 4 eggs, and 1 1/2 cups of vegetable oil.
In a separate bowl, mix 2 1/4 cups of flour with 3 teaspoons of cinnamon
I used a regular sized can of canned pumpkin. It was 15 ounces.
Mix the flour/cinnamon mixture alternately with the pumpkin into the bowl with the sugar, eggs, and oil.
Bake in a tube pan for 1 hour at 350.
Cream cheese icing:
Mix together:1 8oz block of cream cheese1 stick of butter2 cups of powdered sugar.
The cream cheese and butter should be at room temp!
3. Me and my sister sang "Farther Along" for the special music this morning at church. God was all over that place! We didn't have any accompianment music as we had practiced and planned to sing acapella. It was amazing. I love singing with her and one of our friends came up to us after church and said, "Girl....there is NOTHING like some sibling harmony! Y'all did wonderful!"
I give all praise and glory to Jesus for that too! He's allowing me to live out a dream of being able to sing in church with my little sister. Yep...she's pretty much the bomb!
4. I have started my Etsy shop and will post the link soon. There's only two things for sale right now, so it should be ready this week.
5. I hope this week at school is better than last week. Last week was one of those, "I could eat bologna and beenie weenies for the rest of my life if I could just walk out those doors!" You ever had one of those weeks at your job?
6. I am looking forward to being out of school on Wednesday for Veteran's Day. Big Daddy has the day off too, so we need to make plans for something special!
7. Robbie just ran in here and kissed my arm. I asked him why he gave me a kiss and he said, "Mama...you know!....It's because you're a good girl!" Thank you LORD for blessing me with this baby!
8. A friend of mine named Annie is so talented! She sang at mine and Big Daddy's wedding almost 15 years ago! She's now coming back to our church and she sang for the first time since she's been gone, tonight. I just sent her a message on Facebook and told her that my heart has missed being blessed by her talents! It's amazing how God uses us to bless each other through music!
9. I haven't done ONE BIT of Christmas shopping. I think there's 6 weeks left....Oh Lord, am I in trouble!
10. We were contacted last week about an adoption. The birth mother is 22 and single. She has a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and is due in 2 weeks with her third child. She wanted me and Big Daddy to adopt this baby. We were excited but I never could truly "wrap my mind around" the idea that this would work. I now know why....she emailed me and asked for $500.00 to help her pay her bills and to take care of her and the kids. I now know that even though we get excited and can't see things as they really are, God will show us what needs to be shown. I prayed for a peace about it and for Him to knock me over the head with it, if His will was for us to adopt this child. I'm disappointed, but thankful that God showed up...again!
11. I am addicted to The Biggest Loser on TV. Robbie has cried off and on this weekend because I deleted the show after we watched it. Tuesday night cannot come quick enough.
12. I am also addicted to Farmville, Happy Aquarium, and Fish World on Facebook. I am now rushing home to harvest crops and adopt pink cows! What has my life become?
13. I have signed up 2 girls to sell Just Jewerly last week! I also have another girl starting this week. God is blessing my little extra money job in ways I can't explain! I love having so much fun and making good extra money!
14. I'm looking forward to Tuesday night. Our Alto section in the adult choir is getting together and going to the fish camp for supper. After we eat, we're going back to the church to go over our part for the Christmas Cantata. I know we'll have a great time!
15. I'm wishing I didn't have to work. I feel that I am missing out on so much while Robbie's so young. I told my daddy today that I wished I could just make time stop and keep him this age. He's potty trained and is lots of fun! While I was playing the piano for our senior citizens lunch yesterday, Big Daddy gave him some paper and crayons. He took a bunch of little pieces of paper from a notepad and spelled out I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U on them and had them ready for me. Big Daddy said he wrote the letters all by himself and didn't need any help spelling anything either! Wow!
Y'all have a great week!
So....here's a few random things for you!
1. As I sit here typing, Robbie is in his bedroom across the hall. He's flicking the light on and off and saying, "Yellow...Black....Yellow...Black!"
2. Instead of going out to eat today after church, I came home and cooked for real! We had cubed steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuits, and a jar of tomatoes that were canned. For dessert we had a wonderful pumpkin pound cake.
In case you're wanting this recipe, and who doesn't enjoy trying something different?, here you go:
Pumpkin Pound Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Mix 2 cups of sugar, 4 eggs, and 1 1/2 cups of vegetable oil.
In a separate bowl, mix 2 1/4 cups of flour with 3 teaspoons of cinnamon
I used a regular sized can of canned pumpkin. It was 15 ounces.
Mix the flour/cinnamon mixture alternately with the pumpkin into the bowl with the sugar, eggs, and oil.
Bake in a tube pan for 1 hour at 350.
Cream cheese icing:
Mix together:1 8oz block of cream cheese1 stick of butter2 cups of powdered sugar.
The cream cheese and butter should be at room temp!
3. Me and my sister sang "Farther Along" for the special music this morning at church. God was all over that place! We didn't have any accompianment music as we had practiced and planned to sing acapella. It was amazing. I love singing with her and one of our friends came up to us after church and said, "Girl....there is NOTHING like some sibling harmony! Y'all did wonderful!"
I give all praise and glory to Jesus for that too! He's allowing me to live out a dream of being able to sing in church with my little sister. Yep...she's pretty much the bomb!
4. I have started my Etsy shop and will post the link soon. There's only two things for sale right now, so it should be ready this week.
5. I hope this week at school is better than last week. Last week was one of those, "I could eat bologna and beenie weenies for the rest of my life if I could just walk out those doors!" You ever had one of those weeks at your job?
6. I am looking forward to being out of school on Wednesday for Veteran's Day. Big Daddy has the day off too, so we need to make plans for something special!
7. Robbie just ran in here and kissed my arm. I asked him why he gave me a kiss and he said, "Mama...you know!....It's because you're a good girl!" Thank you LORD for blessing me with this baby!
8. A friend of mine named Annie is so talented! She sang at mine and Big Daddy's wedding almost 15 years ago! She's now coming back to our church and she sang for the first time since she's been gone, tonight. I just sent her a message on Facebook and told her that my heart has missed being blessed by her talents! It's amazing how God uses us to bless each other through music!
9. I haven't done ONE BIT of Christmas shopping. I think there's 6 weeks left....Oh Lord, am I in trouble!
10. We were contacted last week about an adoption. The birth mother is 22 and single. She has a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and is due in 2 weeks with her third child. She wanted me and Big Daddy to adopt this baby. We were excited but I never could truly "wrap my mind around" the idea that this would work. I now know why....she emailed me and asked for $500.00 to help her pay her bills and to take care of her and the kids. I now know that even though we get excited and can't see things as they really are, God will show us what needs to be shown. I prayed for a peace about it and for Him to knock me over the head with it, if His will was for us to adopt this child. I'm disappointed, but thankful that God showed up...again!
11. I am addicted to The Biggest Loser on TV. Robbie has cried off and on this weekend because I deleted the show after we watched it. Tuesday night cannot come quick enough.
12. I am also addicted to Farmville, Happy Aquarium, and Fish World on Facebook. I am now rushing home to harvest crops and adopt pink cows! What has my life become?
13. I have signed up 2 girls to sell Just Jewerly last week! I also have another girl starting this week. God is blessing my little extra money job in ways I can't explain! I love having so much fun and making good extra money!
14. I'm looking forward to Tuesday night. Our Alto section in the adult choir is getting together and going to the fish camp for supper. After we eat, we're going back to the church to go over our part for the Christmas Cantata. I know we'll have a great time!
15. I'm wishing I didn't have to work. I feel that I am missing out on so much while Robbie's so young. I told my daddy today that I wished I could just make time stop and keep him this age. He's potty trained and is lots of fun! While I was playing the piano for our senior citizens lunch yesterday, Big Daddy gave him some paper and crayons. He took a bunch of little pieces of paper from a notepad and spelled out I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U on them and had them ready for me. Big Daddy said he wrote the letters all by himself and didn't need any help spelling anything either! Wow!
Y'all have a great week!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween post...a little late
Hey Y'all! I'm getting pretty stinky at posting lately. We're just so busy, and it's not looking like it's going to "let up" until after Christmas, so please bear with me.
Everytime I talk to my mama, she reminds me that I haven't posted a new blog lately and I don't think she's real happy about it! haha

Everytime I talk to my mama, she reminds me that I haven't posted a new blog lately and I don't think she's real happy about it! haha
Let me bring you up to date...
Robbie didn't want to be Diego for Halloween after all. He just decided that right about when I was getting ready to put him in his costume to go trick-or-treating and then to our church's festival. After our discussion, (cough, cough) he proceeds to tell me that he wants to dress up like his daddy! So....I grabbed a pair of overalls, a flannel jacket, and boots. That was just fine with him until I got a brown eyeliner stick to draw a goatee. Oh Lord, help me! It was CRAZY and I almost had to beat the child to get him to get in the van. Again, I'm kidding...kindof!
Then...I called mammaw and told her I was bringing Robbie over to trick-or-treat and she almost had a nervous breakdown because she didn't have any candy to give him. I told her I'd sneak her some and she was fine. When we walked in, I handed her a Tootsie Pop and she thanked me! She said she didn't know how long it had been since she'd had a lolipop! HAHAHAHAHAHA
So we finally headed out to do our trick-or-treating....leaving behind one happy mammaw unwrapping a Tootsie Pop!
Lord, give me strength!
Robbie didn't want to be Diego for Halloween after all. He just decided that right about when I was getting ready to put him in his costume to go trick-or-treating and then to our church's festival. After our discussion, (cough, cough) he proceeds to tell me that he wants to dress up like his daddy! So....I grabbed a pair of overalls, a flannel jacket, and boots. That was just fine with him until I got a brown eyeliner stick to draw a goatee. Oh Lord, help me! It was CRAZY and I almost had to beat the child to get him to get in the van. Again, I'm kidding...kindof!
Then...I called mammaw and told her I was bringing Robbie over to trick-or-treat and she almost had a nervous breakdown because she didn't have any candy to give him. I told her I'd sneak her some and she was fine. When we walked in, I handed her a Tootsie Pop and she thanked me! She said she didn't know how long it had been since she'd had a lolipop! HAHAHAHAHAHA
So we finally headed out to do our trick-or-treating....leaving behind one happy mammaw unwrapping a Tootsie Pop!
Lord, give me strength!
Here's the pictures:

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