There are a few things that I am totally in love with right now and I obsess over these things. So, I think I'll put them down.
Make sure you comment on what your favorite things are.
I just love these things! I made a bag especially for these small tastes of heaven so that while in church, I don't dig and rattle the trash in my purse trying to get to one!
Now let me tell you how to get back into your childhood! Go to the Dollar General Store and buy 10 of these! They're 10 for $1.00 and even if you hate the powder, those little cold vanilla candy sticks are THE BOMB! I think I'll start having one every night before bed! Man--I could kiss ole Willie Wonka right on the mouth for inventing this treat!
I am absolutely in love with this family. If you've been around me at all during the last six months, you know I'm not kidding! I have this programmed into my DVR through the cable company so that I won't miss a rerun. I can't wait to see some new episodes. RIP Mike--he was the older guy who was on several episodes and he passed away at the beginning of June. By the way, check out and go buy you some Roloff Farms dirt! It's only $8.00 for a jar! hee hee
As always, I love me some scrapbooking! I had a great time hosting my monthly crop with the girls! If you want to join us, drop me an email and I'll let you know when the next one will be!
This was my early birthday present from Ronnie and Robbie! I am loving my Cricut machine and have been making her hum already doing craft projects and my scrapbooking!

Can we all join in on the Hallelujah Chorus? I am counting down the days until Big Brother 10 airs on CBS! July 13th for those who have never watched it!