Hey Y'all!
I hope that at least one of my readers is enjoying some sunshine somewhere. It's rainy and cold here, but it's supposed to be in the low 60s later this week. Since that means no snow anytime soon, I guess I'd better just get happy!
This past Thursday ended our semester so Friday and today were teacher workdays. I managed to get A LOT done in my classroom during these two days. Big Daddy's mama (Nanny) watched Robbie on Friday and since my favorite babysitter took a ski trip last night, it looked like he was going to have to come to school with me. I don't mind it, but I knew I wouldn't get a lot done due to having to keep him busy.
Well.....since it was raining this morning, Big Daddy asked his boss if he could take off and spend the day with Robbie. His boss said YES, so he came back home, before I even got Robbie up. Big Daddy was so excited about just having a day with Robbie. I came home to an empty house and after calling them to see where they were, I found out that they were spending the afternoon at Monkey Joe's in Gastonia. Bless Big Daddy's heart. He toughed it out because since it is a teacher's workday, you KNOW that place was crawling with kids. (Reason #453)
Reason #454: Big Daddy brought me a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit when he came in this morning. It was soooo good!
I'll save the best reason for the end of this post....just to make you keep reading! ha ha ha
Now....for some sweetness! Since I had The Doublewide to myself this afternoon, I decorated for Valentine's Day. Here are some pictures:
I just love the colors of Valentine's Day! Don't you?
Ok..for reason # 455....
This past Friday night we had our friends Vernon, Beverly and their daughter, Payton over for supper. We'd been talking all week about how we wanted some "Breakfast for Supper!" It was WONDERFUL! So much so that Beverly posted this picture on her Facebook wall:
See what I mean? Yummy!
So after supper, Vernon had planned to go to the auction nearby to see what all they had. His battery died and Big Daddy went out to jump his truck off and decided that he'd just drive his truck and they'd both go to the auction.
So, when they finally made it back home, Big Daddy walked in The Doublewide carrying this in it's box:

Yup...it's a BRAND NEW Kenmore sewing machine...featuring 54 different stitches. I have it on the dining room table now and am fixing to try it out!
So there's reason #455!
Crazy thing is that on Saturday night, we went to York, SC to an auction where my brother's bluegrass band were playing. We missed the performance, because I thought they were singing at 6 but they sang at 4....
The same man was selling at this auction and the same sewing machine went for $65.00. Big Daddy paid $40 for mine! BOO-YOW!
Finally, I'll close with something hilarious!
One of my students' mama wants me to crochet a chicken hat. I looked on Ravelry.com but the one I found isn't cute--it's kindof scary...Aww shucks...here's a picture of the one I found...
Maybe it's just the fact that there are actually legs and feet that will hang down. YUCKY!
So, I'm trying my own. I found a pattern for an ice cream cone--thought I could use that for the beak. Also, she wants the hat to resemble this chicken:
I have such a challenge on my hands. Here's what I've gotten done so far....
I just have to figure out the eyes and the comb....Any advice?
Y'all have a great evening as we're preparing to get back on a routine tomorrow!