Thursday, June 2, 2011

I made it in a DAY!

Hey Y'all! 
We are SO busy right now at The Doublewide, but I wanted to stop in and share with you a few pictures of a new earflap hat I made yesterday!  I found the pattern to be very easy and well written.  If you are interested in making one for yourself, please click HERE to visit Ms. Teresa's website!  She has SO many free patterns and I'm sure if you can crochet, you'll find something you just HAVE to make!  Here's the hat I made following her pattern.  I made up the flower as I went and tacked it down. 

My baby graduates from daycare tonight.  I am so heartbroken as this is a slap in the face that time marches on!  Seems only yesterday we were going back and forth to DSS and court and lawyers to get his adoption finalized!  Now he's headed to kindergarten in August....**sigh**

Have a wonderful day today!


crazymotheringchick said...

Hi! Just found your blog, and am loving it! Have a wonderful day!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

LOVE that hat!!!! It's been so long since I did crochet work. But reading your blog today and scrolling down and seeing all you've done, it makes me want to pick up the needle again! So great to find your blog today! Where have you been??????