I hope you're having a great Friday morning. The weather this week has been just as creepy as the holiday that's in two days! We had HOT days early in the week followed by crazy tornado watches and warnings. About 30 minutes to the west of us suffered some pretty bad damage after some tornadoes actually touched down. Please be in prayer for these families as some of them have lost everything. I saw a picture of two Hispanic teenagers helping their grandmother dig and plunder through the wreckage where their home once stood--that huge framed picture of Jesus was just as meaningful to me as was the look on the grandmother's face.
Now...on to something more happy! Today Robbie's class all came to school dressed up for Halloween. They'll be trick or treating around town today as many businesses do this for the daycare kids! Here he is with some of his friends this morning:
Finally, I would like to ask y'all to keep us in your prayers tonight. Robbie's half sister is a senior in high school and is a member of the marching band. Tonight is a home football game and it's senior night for the band kids. Her father isn't in the picture much and awhile back she sent me a message on Facebook wanting to know if he could escort her on the field tonight at half time.
Robbie knows he's adopted and he knows he has a sister and he knows who his birth-mother is---but he's 4, so exactly what he understands--well---I'm not sure. It's been awhile since we've spent any time with his birth-mother and half sister, but it always makes me very nervous. I know she couldn't afford to keep Robbie and I know that she wanted us to have him, but I still get very uneasy when I'm with them. Please pray that everything will be okay tonight. I want Robbie to know who they are---I want them to be a part of his life---I want him to know his story and where he came from---I want him to never want to leave me and go with her---I guess I really just want Jesus to hold my hand tonight.
Robbie knows he's adopted and he knows he has a sister and he knows who his birth-mother is---but he's 4, so exactly what he understands--well---I'm not sure. It's been awhile since we've spent any time with his birth-mother and half sister, but it always makes me very nervous. I know she couldn't afford to keep Robbie and I know that she wanted us to have him, but I still get very uneasy when I'm with them. Please pray that everything will be okay tonight. I want Robbie to know who they are---I want them to be a part of his life---I want him to know his story and where he came from---I want him to never want to leave me and go with her---I guess I really just want Jesus to hold my hand tonight.