Well...the little clock in the bottom right-hand corner of my computer screen says it's 12:37 AM. I have to be at school tomorrow to make up the last of our snow days before we can begin our Spring Break. I cannot tell you how many times my evil-twin self, Sylvia has tried to talk me into taking a sick day tomorrow. My cousin Kelly and I were talking before church this morning and she made me laugh, as usual. She's also a teacher where I teach, and in her reply to somebody asking if we were working tomorrow she said, "I'd lay out and be sick but I think everybody else has already beat me to a substitute!" I totally understand her and I guess we'll both tough it out tomorrow along with the other teachers' who didn't win the substitute for a day pass.
It's been over a week since I've written and I apologize. There's been quite a bit going on here at The Doublewide.
Lil R's allergies are driving all of us nuts, him included. Instead of buying Singulair ($50.00 for 30 pills and no generic), I bought Children's Claritin. It does the same thing and for $9.00, I'm all over that!
He was also crazy mean earlier this week. He's one of those kids where you can pop his bottom and it absolutely doesn't phase him. That's making me work a little harder, you know? So, in my "used to be an elementary teacher" mode, I created an "Ugly Corner". Everytime he yells NO at me when I tell or pleasantly ask him to do something, his cute little butt has to go to the Ugly Corner and sit until he's done throwing his fit. Me and Big Daddy talk to him about why he's in the Ugly Corner and tell him the right thing to do, but at our age it's hard.
Have I told you lately that I wish I could win a huge amount of money so that I could just stay home with him and not have to work??!! Oh well...back to life, back to reality! (sorry for my trip back to the 80s)
So Tuesday night, I cooked a HUGE supper for my family. Mama, Daddy, my little sister Doodah, and her husband Chad, and us three ate homemade fried chicken, green beans, corn on the cob, stewed taters, canned tomatoes, and biscuits. We were serenaded by Lil R's fits while he was in the Ugly Corner. He didn't want to sit at the table and eat with us and we were frustrated.
I had the program for our WMU meeting at church Wednesday night.
Thursday was Parent Conference Day at school. I had to work from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM. That was NOT FUN.
Friday was ok, but the kids were crazy because we had to make up a snow day. We were supposed to be enjoying our Spring Break...but...oh well.
It's been over a week since I've written and I apologize. There's been quite a bit going on here at The Doublewide.
Lil R's allergies are driving all of us nuts, him included. Instead of buying Singulair ($50.00 for 30 pills and no generic), I bought Children's Claritin. It does the same thing and for $9.00, I'm all over that!
He was also crazy mean earlier this week. He's one of those kids where you can pop his bottom and it absolutely doesn't phase him. That's making me work a little harder, you know? So, in my "used to be an elementary teacher" mode, I created an "Ugly Corner". Everytime he yells NO at me when I tell or pleasantly ask him to do something, his cute little butt has to go to the Ugly Corner and sit until he's done throwing his fit. Me and Big Daddy talk to him about why he's in the Ugly Corner and tell him the right thing to do, but at our age it's hard.
Have I told you lately that I wish I could win a huge amount of money so that I could just stay home with him and not have to work??!! Oh well...back to life, back to reality! (sorry for my trip back to the 80s)
So Tuesday night, I cooked a HUGE supper for my family. Mama, Daddy, my little sister Doodah, and her husband Chad, and us three ate homemade fried chicken, green beans, corn on the cob, stewed taters, canned tomatoes, and biscuits. We were serenaded by Lil R's fits while he was in the Ugly Corner. He didn't want to sit at the table and eat with us and we were frustrated.
I had the program for our WMU meeting at church Wednesday night.
Thursday was Parent Conference Day at school. I had to work from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM. That was NOT FUN.
Friday was ok, but the kids were crazy because we had to make up a snow day. We were supposed to be enjoying our Spring Break...but...oh well.
Friday evening, Lil R went to spend the night with his PopPop and Mimi. Big Daddy and I hung out here at The Doublewide, watching everything we'd recorded on the DVR. Our plans were to get up and hit the yard sales Saturday morning. That didn't work---my lazy tail hung out in the bed and then I just did laundry and laid around the house all day.
Around 6:00 me and Big Daddy went to a Japanese restaurant in Lincolnton, spent $55 at The Dollar Tree (SAY WHAT?!) and then went to pick up Lil R.
Around 6:00 me and Big Daddy went to a Japanese restaurant in Lincolnton, spent $55 at The Dollar Tree (SAY WHAT?!) and then went to pick up Lil R.
They had gone to a car show at Lowe's Motor Speedway all day. His Mimi (Big Daddy's Step-mom) slathered him all up with Neutrogena Sunscreen and I was glad he didn't get blistered. They are so good with him and he loves spending time with them.
This morning when I got up, I took mammaw some breakfast and checked her out. She said someone kept calling her all night offering prayer for her hurting. She said they called every hour and told her what church they were from, but that she couldn't remember. I was like, "Really??". So I picked up her phone and checked the Caller ID. Nope---the last call came in at 8:30 last night when I called her. Wonder if she was dreaming that or what? Once again, Dimentia is A MONSTER---just so you know.
After getting her bandage changed, her feet washed, and a load of laundry started, I headed home to get ready for church.
Big Daddy and Lil R were in the shower. I got Lil R dressed and we headed off to church after getting ready myself. We were actually early. Drove by my little sister's house on the way to church and I miss her already. They left for the beach yesterday and I miss her when she's not here. She's my helper with Mammaw, so it's all on me this week.
After church, we noticed some red dots that were very fine and tiny on Lil R's cheeks and neck. Oh Lord---I remembered that Neutrogena's sunscreen hasn't been tried on Lil R. So...yepp...you guessed it. An allergic reaction. I have him Benadryll and he slept for 3 hours this afternoon. Then back to church and to Wal-Mart afterwards. I was out of hairspray and we needed some anti-itch ointment for Lil R. God forbid that a southern girl not have her hairspray!
I have been busy haven't I?
I plan on getting some much needed rest on Tuesday. Then Wednesday morning I'm off to the dentist at 8:00 to fix the crown that I "lost" then "found" again and now can't use--to the tune of about 600 bucks!
Ok--I think my fingers are nubs now and you've all probably fallen asleep.
This morning when I got up, I took mammaw some breakfast and checked her out. She said someone kept calling her all night offering prayer for her hurting. She said they called every hour and told her what church they were from, but that she couldn't remember. I was like, "Really??". So I picked up her phone and checked the Caller ID. Nope---the last call came in at 8:30 last night when I called her. Wonder if she was dreaming that or what? Once again, Dimentia is A MONSTER---just so you know.
After getting her bandage changed, her feet washed, and a load of laundry started, I headed home to get ready for church.
Big Daddy and Lil R were in the shower. I got Lil R dressed and we headed off to church after getting ready myself. We were actually early. Drove by my little sister's house on the way to church and I miss her already. They left for the beach yesterday and I miss her when she's not here. She's my helper with Mammaw, so it's all on me this week.
After church, we noticed some red dots that were very fine and tiny on Lil R's cheeks and neck. Oh Lord---I remembered that Neutrogena's sunscreen hasn't been tried on Lil R. So...yepp...you guessed it. An allergic reaction. I have him Benadryll and he slept for 3 hours this afternoon. Then back to church and to Wal-Mart afterwards. I was out of hairspray and we needed some anti-itch ointment for Lil R. God forbid that a southern girl not have her hairspray!
I have been busy haven't I?
I plan on getting some much needed rest on Tuesday. Then Wednesday morning I'm off to the dentist at 8:00 to fix the crown that I "lost" then "found" again and now can't use--to the tune of about 600 bucks!
Ok--I think my fingers are nubs now and you've all probably fallen asleep.
Now--for some "secret" messages/shout-outs through my blog:
#1. Catherine---you and Jessi did AMAZINGLY FANTABULOUS on your song this morning. God used y'all to speak to the congregation! I'm so glad y'all sang that song too----After the week we've had with "The Ugly Corner" I was reminded that God gave Lil R to us because He knew we'd be great parents to an amazing miracle that needed to be loved! Thank you for letting Him use you.
#1. Catherine---you and Jessi did AMAZINGLY FANTABULOUS on your song this morning. God used y'all to speak to the congregation! I'm so glad y'all sang that song too----After the week we've had with "The Ugly Corner" I was reminded that God gave Lil R to us because He knew we'd be great parents to an amazing miracle that needed to be loved! Thank you for letting Him use you.
#2. Amy---I haven't forgotten your package dahling! I am still gathering things for you. I'll mail it this week---sooner than later!
#3. Doodah--Have fun at the beach. I'm sure you have your laptop because you KNOW you can't stay away from my blog and Facebook that long! I love you!
Have a great week y'all!
#3. Doodah--Have fun at the beach. I'm sure you have your laptop because you KNOW you can't stay away from my blog and Facebook that long! I love you!
Have a great week y'all!
Boy do I remember the trying days that Bailey LOVED to show her butt! I'm praying for your patience to stay in tact because mine never did! LOL
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the song, its one of my favorites..and if Jessi could take some singing lessons that girl might go places! LOLOLOL..DDAANNGG that girl can SANG. Enjoy Spring Break..I love ya!
Don't worry about it! I'm buy too and totally understand. You can even wait till Christmas and send it then :)
hey girl! I love reading your adventures at the doublewide!! I know times may be rough with Lil'R, but believe me - hold firm and you will get thru it!! Spare the rod and spoil the child -- and ask Scott - i sure don't spare the rod - and look how good he turned out!! haha!! Being that boy's momma is the BEST JOB in the world!!! Love you - Cynthia
Hey... just thinkin': if your Grandma was happy with all those "people" calling her to let her know they were praying for her, maybe.... just maybe... that was the Lord Himself reassuring her, telling her He loves her, and that He is praying for her. After all, He is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession, right? : )
You have been busy...hope you get your spring break soon! You need some much needed rest! Have a good one!
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