I am in a great mood this week!
Lil R's been wonderful and we had a great Easter break here at The Doublewide. His room is staying clean because I, Big Mama, made a rule that we don't go to bed until his room is clean. He's doing good helping me or Big Daddy pick everything up and put it back where it goes.
I've also been organzied at school this week. Got there Monday morning and did my lesson plans early before the students came. Everything's been smooth as butter. At times like this is when the devil creeps in and tells me to watch out--something bad is fixin' to happen.
I pray that he's wrong and that we'll have a great week.
So, in honor of my good cheer, enjoy a few laughs on me!
Oohhh...Before I post the videos, I have to make a couple of Blog Shout-Outs!
First of all, our choir at church had our Easter Cantata practice last Friday night. Our choir leader Bobby was joking around with me when I missed my "entrance" to the song. He was like, "Hmmm...Michelle...do I need to bring YOU in?!!" Then he kept giving me a hard time since I did study music, and minored in Music Education in college. Anyway---his next words were, "Do y'all read her BLOG?!" I was flattered, honored, and humbled to know that God can use big ole me to bless somebody every day.
1. BOBBY...here's your shout-out! Keep on serving the Lord through leading our choir at church. As Preacher Matt said Sunday, "Our church is blessed to be filled with such talent!"
Amen Preacher, Amen.
2. Imma shout out to my little sister, Amanda. AKA--DOODAH! Happy Early 32nd Birthday tomorrow! Are you really 32 already? It seems only yesterday that me and David were making you walk that flimsy plank up to the barn loft to test it for us. It seems only yesterday that I left for college and missed your high school years. It seems only yesterday that me and you were sitting in the floor at Mammaw and Pappaw's house getting our hair rolled up on brown paper bags for church on Sunday. Happy Birthday Doodah! I love you more and more and more each day as we grow older as "Partners in Crime" around this family!
3. Imma shout out to my cousin Kelly who reads this blog faithfully too! I love you cousin and I am so proud of the woman you've become! Let's go back in time together so I can babysit you, Jenny and Jeff one more time on East College Street. Let's go back and prank call people. Let's go back and hop in that old mini station wagon and run up to Jones Bros. and get us some cotton candy and candy apples from that little stand. I'm so glad we get to teach at the same school and I'm so glad you get to see me everyday!
Ok---now may the laughing fest begin!
Ok--I have to admit that I don't know how to post a video, so please just click on the links. I promise it's worth it.
Have a great day and be blessed!

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