Saturday, January 7, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Hey Y'all!
It is soooo beautiful outside!  I can't believe it's January and I'm tempted to throw the windows open and let The Doublewide air out today!  Think I will!
I've been seeing homemade laundry detergent on several blogs lately and finally decided to make some of my own.
It was so simple!
All you need is:
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing Soda
(This is NOT baking soda--just so you know.)
1/3 of a  bar of ZOTE soap or Fels-Naptha soap.  Any laundry bar soap will do.
All three products were purchased at Wal-Mart on the laundry aisle.

I turned on my food processor and grated the soap after I added the two powders.  Who wants to do that by hand?
After letting the ingredients process awhile, it was ready.  I made three batches so that I could just use the entire bar of soap.
This is what it looks like when all done:
I put it into a large Rubbermaid cereal container that seals to keep the moisture out of it.
Use 1 tablespoon per load!
It sure smells great and I KNOW it is MUCH cheaper than store bought detergent.
YAY for saving the moo-lah whenever you can!

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