Does anyone read my posts? If so, create yourself a google blog account so that you can add coments to my posts! Sometimes I feel like I'm blogging to the wind...ya know? a LOT has been going on.
I lost my precious sixteen year old cousin Travis to an awful automobile accident on September 26th. He was a great kid who loved life and enjoyed making others around him laugh. I had the priviledge of teaching him when he was in the seventh grade, and I was honored to play the piano during his funeral.
When things like this happen, it makes you realize just how short life is and how we should live our lives serving God and one another.
Travis, you'll really be missed by many. Thanks for reminding me how important it is to truly just LIVE. You inspired a lot of kids and adults and the world will never be the same without you. Until we meet again.... rest in peace and I'll see you...

Didn't know he was your cousin. But then again, you're related to everyone in Stanley somehow...
I know playing at his funeral was bitter sweet. I'm still praying for all of the family, I know its still hard to deal with. Love ya girl
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